Rules & Regulations

Aisle & Common Areas

The aisles and common areas are not to be used by individual Exhibitors. No solicitation may be conducted in the aisles, foyers or common areas. Flyers, incentives and signage are not permitted in any common areas or any other exhibit space. Any unauthorized solicitation or distribution in the aisles, common areas or any other space that is outside your purchased space will be subject to fines of $1,000 or more per incident.

Booth Cleaning

The Exhibitor is responsible for cleaning their booth space. Aisle clean up that is necessary, caused by the Exhibitor, is deemed the full responsibility of the Exhibitor and cleanup must be carried out at your own expense.

Booth Dimensions/Construction

The Exhibitor must confine all exhibit activities to within their allocated space. Soliciting, advertising or demonstrations for any purpose are not permitted in the aisles, in other exhibitor’s booths, at any building entrance/exit, or anywhere on the grounds of REAL District. The aisles, passageways and overhead spaces remain strictly under control of the Show. Mascots may be permitted with prior approval from Show Management. At the request of Show Management, the Exhibitor shall provide a general layout of the space.

Be a good neighbor by ensuring that your display is setup correctly and does not extend beyond your booth space.
Display heights can vary, due to the nature of the show, please contact the Show Management if you have any questions on the height. If permission is given, the display area must be completely finished on both sides in a neat manner so that a raw or unfinished side(s) is not left exposed to the next booth and must be completed to the satisfaction of Show Management. Show Management may require exhibitors to make such alterations to their displays as they deem necessary to properly conduct the Show, and failure to comply, may order the immediate removal of the entire booth without compensation and at the exhibitor’s expense.

Floor Plan Changes: The Spring Home Show floor plan is subject to change without notice. Show Management reserves the right to make any necessary modification to the floor plan.

Contravention of Law

The Exhibitor is responsible for obtaining any necessary permits and for complying with all applicable Federal, Provincial & Municipal laws with respect to its products, exhibit space and the operation of the business.

Delivery of Goods

All goods must be plainly marked with the Exhibitor name and the booth number. Under no circumstances will goods be received on which there are charges of any kind. Arrangements for delivery and pickup are the responsibility of the Exhibitor. The RRHBA will not be held responsible for goods once delivered to your booth(s).

Draws/Raffle Tickets

The Exhibitor shall not conduct a draw except with the approval of the Show Management. All draw tickets and stubs must contain the name, address & phone number of the company conducting the draw and a sample of same must be provided to the RRHBA. The Exhibitor will provide the RRHBA with the name of the winner(s) of any draws that are conducted. The selling of raffle tickets or soliciting of donations by the Exhibitor from its booth(s) is prohibited unless prior approval is given by Show Management. Information obtained from the ballots is to be used solely by the Exhibitor who collected the information and solely for the purpose mentioned on the ballot. There is no PA system to announce booth draws during the show as it is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to contact the winner directly.

Exhibit Hours

The Exhibitor will gain access to their space during the move-in hours as scheduled by the Show Management. Exhibits must be in good order and completely set up by 3pm on Thursday, February 27. Failure to comply with this clause may result in the Exhibitor forfeiting its right and any amounts paid hereunder. The Exhibitor agrees that no displays may be dismantled or product removed during the entire run of the show, and must stay intact and present until the closing of the show on Sunday, March 2 at 5pm. If the Exhibitor fails to take possession of their space prior to the conclusion of the move-in or abandons the booth space, the Exhibitor’s right and entitlement to occupy the booth space shall immediately cease and be at an end. Booths must be taken down during the move-out and removed prior to the move-out deadline as of 4pm on Monday, March 3. Failure to remove all items, the Exhibitor agrees to pay for any additional costs or expenses.

Floor Covering

Floor covering is not included with your booth rental. In order to maintain a professional show floor appearance, it is mandatory that all booth spaces must be carpeted or covered with an appropriate floor covering (some exceptions may apply) that covers the complete floor area but does not exceed your booth space. Floor covering (carpet, lino, paving stones, interlocking foam mats, etc) that does not cover the entire booth space is prohibited such as throw rugs and area rugs is prohibited. Conformity to this regulation will be at the discretion of the Show Management.

Forklift, Scissor Lift Services

The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold the RRHBA harmless for any and all claims or actions that may occur from the complimentary forklift or scissor lift services provided by the RRHBA. In addition, the Exhibitor must be present to oversee these services.

Helium Balloons

Helium is stored in tanks under great pressure, and so it is vital that safeguards be taken to prevent the tank from falling and rupturing, a ruptured tank under full pressure can become airborne and is capable of causing critical injuries. An empty tank also presents a hazard due to its weight and mass; a toppling tank can cause crushing injuries. Fire regulations require the following safeguards must be taken: a floor base and a cylinder shield no matter the size of the tank. If these safeguards are not followed Show Management will require you to remove the helium tank immediately. If you have any questions please contact Show Management prior to the show.

Insurance Regulations

You as an Exhibitor are responsible to insure your own exhibit, personnel, display and materials from damage or loss through theft, fire, accident or other cause. The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold the RRHBA harmless from any and all claims or actions. The Exhibitor assumes the risk of exhibiting and the RRHBA shall not be held liable for any bodily injury sustained by, or death of, any individual, not for any loss of, or damage to, any property in connection with the exhibit.

Logo/Name Usage

Exhibitors are prohibited to use the Spring Home Show logo name in their promotion unless given approval by Show Management. If you have any questions please call (306)546-5223.

Outside Food and Beverage Vendor Policy

The Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL) has the exclusive right to sell food and beverage items in any buildings and or space at REAL.

No exhibitors may sell any type of food and beverage products (packaged or unpackaged) at any trade show event without consent of the REAL.

If an exhibitor wishes to sell any type of food and beverage items at a trade show event on REAL property, an application in writing must be made for approval to do so. The exhibitor must also procure, at its own expense, all licenses and permits from municipal or provincial authorities which may be required to operate or conduct its trade or business during the event. If approved, the exhibitor will be subject to a commission fee which will be a percentage of sales. The commission fee is separate from any rental fees or contract obligations the exhibitor has to the trade show event.

The commission fee is charged on sales of food and beverage items deemed to be for immediate consumption at said event. This can be, but not limited to, any beverage product, packaged food item, or prepared food item, regardless of portion size. An exhibitor may request an exemption for food and beverage items sold that are deemed to be for after event consumption. This can be, but not limited to, pre-bottled sauces, jams, gift packs, or like items that are meant for home use. Products being sampled prior to sales cannot exceed a 3oz portion size. It will be the sole discretion of the REAL to exempt food items from commission. The commission fee is to be calculated on gross sales of food and beverage products as per the daily receipts. Daily percentage report forms and payments are to be submitted on a daily basis by the vendor to the food services office. The REAL reserves the right to obtain and audit the vendor’s receipts.

REAL may restrict or deny any application to sell food and beverage items, at its sole discretion, if it is determined that said items are in direct competition to REAL, or saturation of like products sold at an event. REAL also has the right to determine fair market pricing of approved items.

If exhibitors are handing out bottled water in their booth it be Dasani bottled water only.  


  • Any exhibitor selling food and beverage items at the REAL are subject to entering into an agreement and should have a signed copy of this contract along with the ability to meet all requirements therein. The contract must be completed and authorized by REAL at least 14 days prior to event. If the contract is not in place prior to event, the exhibitor will not be allowed at the event.
  • Vendor shall promptly break-down all boxes and dispose of them in the locations and in the manner directed by REAL. Vendor shall deposit all waste, garbage and refuse that may accumulate as a result of Vendor’s activities under this Agreement in garbage facilities furnished by REAL or as otherwise directed by REAL. Licensee shall not discharge any grease into the drains and shall keep grease in proper containers and properly dispose of the same. Vendor shall not permit employees to dispose of, or discharge, waste, garbage or refuse in any area other than areas designated by REAL.
  • Questions can be sent to the Director of Food and Beverage via email
Plastic Checkout Bag Ban

Exhibitors are prohibited to provide plastic bags to visitors at the Spring Home Show. The City of Regina Plastic Checkout Bag Ban Bylaw prohibits retail business, food service business or service business from providing, distributing, selling plastic bags or plastic checkout bags for the purpose of transporting items purchased or received by the customer from the business.

Prevention or Interruption of Use of Premises

In case the premises are destroyed or damaged by fire or the elements, or by any other cause, or in case any circumstances whatsoever, including strikes, shall make it impossible for the RRHBA in its’ sole discretion to permit any Exhibitor or Exhibitors to occupy the premises, the Exhibitor or Exhibitors shall pay for space only for the period that the space was or could have been occupied by the Exhibitor or Exhibitors, and the RRHBA is released from any and all claims for damage which might arise in consequence thereof. In the event that, for any reason, the show is not held as proposed, the RRHBA, on refunding of moneys received from an Exhibitor or Exhibitors, in accordance with the preceding sentence, shall be released from all claims for damages.

Product of Display

The Exhibitor may only sell or display products listed within the Contract. The Exhibitor must make any changes or additions to the list of product(s) or service(s) in writing and are subject to approval by Show Management.

Professional Character of Exhibitor or Exhibit

The RRHBA reserves the right in its sole discretion to decline, prohibit or remove any exhibit, Exhibitor or proposed exhibit or Exhibitor not approved by it, and permit only such matter and conduct as it shall approve. The above reservation covers persons, things, conduct, printed matter, souvenirs and emblems, logos and all things which affect the character of the Show, and the Exhibitor will not obstruct or hinder the RRHBA in preventing or removing forthwith any matter, conduct or thing which it considers objectionable. Undue noise or unseemly methods of demonstration made in the operation of exhibits will not be tolerated. The decision of what constitutes undue noise or unseemly methods rests exclusively with Show Management. Exhibitor shall not make false or malicious statement(s) that may injure the professional reputation of another Exhibitor.

Safety, Health & Fire Regulations

All materials must be flame-proof and pass inspection by all designated authorities and electrical equipment used or exhibited must conform to the requirements of all electrical and fire regulatory authorities, or any other Federal, Provincial or Municipal authority, board or commission having due jurisdiction in the location of the show. Public Health standards must be met as well. There will be no smoking in the building. Due to fire regulations, the use of the following are strictly prohibited: gas, oil, propane. Any flammable liquids or gases shall not be stored inside the building.

Displaying Vehicles

As per the City of Regina’s Bylaw for display vehicles which are on display are subject to the following conditions:

  • Vehicles must be cleaned before being admitted into the facility
  • Gas tanks must not contain more than ¼ tank of gasoline or fuel
  • Fuel caps must be taped or locked shut
  • Drip pans are required under all vehicles while inside the venue
  • Keys are to be left at the Show Office during the duration of the show in the event that an evacuation of the vehicle is required
  • Batteries must be disconnected.

Booth space must not encroach on exit doorways.

Sales Tax/Commission

The Exhibitor is responsible for collecting and remitting to the appropriate government authority all sales and other taxes as applicable with respect to the sale of products and services from the booth.


Although the show provides 24 hour security from Monday, February 24 through to Monday, March 3 each exhibitor is responsible for their materials, equipment, display, etc at all times. Do not leave items of value in your booth unattended without taking security precautions. Remember it is the responsibility of exhibitors to insure and take all precautions to protect your property. Show Management does NOT assume any responsibility for losses incurred from pilferage or any other causes.


Signage must hang over your own booth space only and must not face into neighboring exhibits. Signage or display materials that are not contained within your purchased space is prohibited. Signage on REAL District property is prohibited, if you place a sign on the property other than your booth space it will be removed and disposed of at the Exhibitor’s expense. Handwritten or unprofessional signage is not permitted. If an Exhibitor’s signage does not follow these regulations, the signage will be removed at the Exhibitor’s expense.

**It will be up to the discretion of the REAL District scissor lift operators if your sign can be suspended from the ceiling with the materials provided. If they deem it unsafe it will be the responsibility of the exhibitor to provide an alternate solution to hang their sign and at their own expense.** Hanging signage needs to be installed prior to the setup of your booth space, if operators cannot access your booth to safely hang the signage in a timely manner it will be the responsibility of the exhibitor to have an alternate solution to display their signage.

Rigging of any Truss Structure

  • Rigging is an exclusive service provided by IATSE Riggers. They are located on-site and are available to assist with your needs.
  • No items may be suspended from the ceiling in any of our facilities without written approval from REAL District.
  • The exhibitor will be responsible for covering all rigging expenses.
  • The exhibitor will be required to provide (from their contractor) a rigging plan 30 days prior to the event.
  • This service is not included by the show and must be booked with the coordinator of REAL District.
Sub-letting & Assignment

The Exhibitor shall NOT sublet, trade, sell or allow others to occupy any space allocated to them and no other company/person shall occupy the show space. The space is to be used exclusively for the purpose & company shown on the Contract, violators will be removed from the show. This includes any materials or promotional materials not pertaining to your booth, only materials relating to the Exhibitor’s product(s)/service(s) may be available in the booth space.

Vehicle Access & Parking

No vehicles will be allowed in the building after NOON on Thursday, February 27.

Vehicles parked in restricted areas will be issued a City of Regina parking fine and risk being towed at the owner’s expense.

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